The Ocioso Blues Project – Música para Salas Velatorias [SLNT107]

"Música para salas velatorias" is the last disc of a trilogy that began with the album "Hipocondríaco" and continued with the album "De algo hay que morir"

  • play_circle_outline pause_circle_outline 1. Heaven [06:58]
  • play_circle_outline pause_circle_outline 2. Goodbye [10:23]
  • play_circle_outline pause_circle_outline 3. Sky Blue [09:55]
  • play_circle_outline pause_circle_outline 4. Viaje del Alma [15:15]
  • play_circle_outline pause_circle_outline 5. Cosmos [07:08]

21 Feb 2019
The Ocioso Blues Project is the alternative project of Blues, one of the founding leaders of the duo The Cherry Blues Project. It began in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the year 2003, publishing its first disc "Half Hour in the Life of Blues". This project is not only linked to Sound Art and Experimental Music, but unlike The Cherry Blues Project, it is also linked to Visual Arts such as photography and the creation of both artistic and sound objects.